
The Mosher Fund derives from a bequest of $13,100 received by New York Yearly Meeting in 1875 from the estate of a New York Friend, Henry H. Mosher. The Yearly Meeting assigned the execu-tion of this bequest to the Committee on the Expenditure of the H. H. Mosher Fund, which was to disburse the income received from the trustees, who hold the principal, according to their best judgment of the spirit and intent of the gift.

Around the year 1937, the Yearly Meeting asked this committee to take over the additional function of maintaining a book table at Yearly Meeting sessions. About $300 was transferred to the Mosher Fund Committee at that time, and it has continued to be used as a revolving fund for this purpose.

Purposes & Objectives

The committee’s purpose is to use the income of the fund guided by the directive of Henry Mosher for “circulating books and tracts inculcating and developing the principles of the Christian religion as preached and promulgated by the early Friends.”

Functions & Activities

The committee distributes books and pamphlets written by and about Friends and concerning Friends’ principles. Lately, the selections have been broadened to include books on religion and related subjects and on other topics pertinent to Friends. Literature is distributed mostly to Friends’ Meetings in New York Yearly Meeting and to affiliated Friends’ institutions, but also to individuals who make their books available to others in the course of their work on behalf of Friends. Books are also given to visiting Friends at Summer Sessions.

The book table at Yearly Meeting sessions is operated by the committee with a view to promoting sales of literature of the same general type as that of the Mosher Fund distribution. Committees and individuals are asked to recommend suitable publications for the book table.

Organization & Method of Appointment

The Yearly Meeting appoints two members each year for five-year terms. The committee chooses a clerk and appoints a member to serve on the General Services Coordinating Committee.

Meeting Times & Places

The committee usually meets twice a year at the times of Fall and Spring Sessions, and occasionally at other times and at Yearly Meeting. Most of the activity of the committee is concentrated in the period before and after Summer Sessions.


The committee receives no funds from the Operating Budget. The income of the Mosher Fund pays for the distribution of literature. The income and profit from sales of books are used as an operating fund for the book table.