Committee on Aging Concerns

About the Committee on Aging Concerns

The Committee on Aging Concerns (CAC) oversees ARCH: Aging Resources, Consultation, and Help. The Committee also coordinates activities with other New York Yearly Meeting committees and meetings, in addition to their responsibilities for ARCH, in order to identify and meet the needs of all seniors in New York Yearly Meeting. The Committee disperses the funds received from the Friends Foundation for the Aging.

Link to the Committee's Handbook page.

Link to the ARCH page.

Resources for Members and Clerks of NYYM Committees

Guidelines for Committee Service—Relevant sections from the yearly meeting Handbook on committe membership and committee clerking.

Guide for Committee Clerks—A resource packet designed to make clerking a NYYM committee easier.

Coordinating Committee Timeline—A guide to the year's tasks for coorcinating committee clerks.

Accountability Queries—Queries for use by committees and the coordinating committees for considering the spiritual state of the yearly meeting's committees.
