World Ministries Committee Mission, Policies, and Procedures
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Timeline: World Ministries Committee (WMC) plans to meet in January, June and October, normally by teleconference, to approve grants.
Deadline: Deadline for grants is the first of the prior month of our meetings.
The WMC, working with funds from bequests and the Sharing Fund, supports the ministry of NYYM Friends in the wider world. Persons or organizations applying for funds should write to us with a sense of ministry, that is, with a vision of what is to be done in order to spread the Quaker message of love in the wider world.
Persons with such visions should be members of NYYM, or the vision should be shared and endorsed by a meeting or organization within NYYM.
In considering the applications, WMC will focus on whether the proposed work is ministry, and also whether it is in the wider world. The "wider world" is defined as being outside the New York Yearly Meeting physical boundaries. To establish ministry, it is required the grantee present a Minute of Support from their home Monthly Meeting.
Applications should be by our electronic application and sent to the clerk.
The request should say specifically for what the funds are needed and a budget, also details about other sources of funding, is expected.
Each application should designate someone as the main contact person for the project, and this person must have a specific connection to NYYM, usually through individual membership, and must accept responsibility for stewardship of any funds granted to the project.
WMC plans to meet in January, June and October, normally by teleconference, to approve grants. Deadline for grants is the first of the prior month of our meetings.
When grants are formally approved, the clerk of WMC will notify the recipients of the action. Checks can be expected within six weeks, and we ask that the grantee acknowledge receipt of the checks when received.
WMC needs to know how the funds are used. Therefore, about nine months after the checks are sent out, the clerk will write to those recipients who have not yet sent in reports requesting an update on where they are in the use of the funds received.
Applicants will not receive further grants until reports are received.
Updated August, 2016