Supporting NYYM

A guide to how members and meetings support New York Yearly Meeting, to the ministries and services that your donations support, and to the yearly meeting's financial process and structures.

Donate to NYYM, the Sharing Fund, and ARCH

Donate by credit card to the yearly meeting Annual Fund and/or the Sharing Fund.

Donate by check: Make your check out to "New York Yearly Meeting and mail to NYYM, 15 Rutherford Pl., New York, NY 10003.<

Donate to ARCH: by credit card.

What Your Gifts Support

What your gifts support—visit a page that describes the ministries and the services to Friends and meetings that your individual donations and your meeting's covenant donations support.

How the budget is spent—See a detailed breakdown of how the budget is spent, organized by Yearly Meeting programs and initiatives (requires login).

NYYM Annual Reports—Each year the yearly meeting publishes a brief report highlighting the activities of NYYM meetings, committees, and staff.

Ways that Members and Meetings Support NYYM

Gifts of time, talent, and treasure are gifts of the spirit.

Giving as Individuals and Families

  • Giving online using a credit card or an e-check on your checking account. And thank you!
  • Recurring gifts—set up a monthly or quarterly withdrawal on a credit card or your checking account.
  • Donating stocks and deferred giving—for Friends considering these options.
  • Give by mail or phone—mail your check to 15 Rutherford Place, New York, NY 10003; or call the office at 212-673-5750 to give your credit card information.
  • What your gifts support—see the ministries and services that your contributions support.

Giving as Meetings

  • About meeting covenants—how the budget process works.
  • Your regional meeting's covenant—New York Yearly Meeting's budgets show the covenant donations of the regional meetings, both past and currently pledged. For the covenant donations, both past and currently pledged, of your own meeting, contact the office.
  • The NYYM budget—click for past and current budgets.
  • Treasurer's reports—click for monthly and year-end reports
  • What your covenant donations support—a page describing the yearly meeting programs and services that benefit individual Friends and their meetings.
  • Program costs—download a document that details the actual time spent by NYYM staff on each aspect of the yearly meeting's operations and services in 2013. We do this every three years; the next programmatic budget will cover 2016.

Gifts of Volunteering

  • There are a number of ways you can give of your time as a volunteer to the yearly meeting.
  • ARCH Visitors—Join a network of Friends trained to connect seniors and adults with disabilities with the care they need.
  • NYYM website,—Help the Communications Director maintain the website and publish content to the website.
  • JYM—Volunteer to work with our youth during Summer Sessions.
  • Office support—Help perform a number of tasks that regularly take place in the yearly meeting's Manhattan office.
  • Hosting Friends attending Spring and Fall Sessions—Contact the office about providing hospitality for Friends traveling from a distance.

Gifts of NYYM Committee Service

  • If you have a gift or a special concern for an aspect of meeting life for which NYYM has a committee, we invite you to explore how you might serve.
  • Contact Nominating Committee through the yearly meeting office with an offer to serve on a committee.
  • NYYM Committees—Visit our Committees page to to see what kinds of service might appeal to you.
  • Committee annual reports—Read the reports of committees you're interested in from the NYYM Yearbooks.
  • Committee charges—Read the entries in the yearly meeting's Handbook to learn their charges and organization.

Gifts of Ministry

  • In the Quaker way, we see all calls to service as ministry, whether they be service to your meeting or the yearly meeting, or in the wider world.
  • Explore your gifts—Discover and develop your spiritual gifts and ministries through the yearly meeting's Spiritual Formation programs.
  • Pursue your ministry—The faith and practice of Quaker ministry does not require a Yearly Meeting committee.
  • Minutes of travel and service—Minutes (documents) endorsed by New York Yearly Meeting describing various ministries and leadings that yearly meeting members are pursuing under the promptings of the Spirit.

Giving as Ministry

  • Gifts of time, talent, and treasure are gifts of the spirit.
  • Why I give—Testimonies from meetings and individual Friends.
  • Thoughts on money and stewardship—Quaker writings on money and financial support of meetings.
  • Resources—A bibliography of further Quaker writings on money, stewardship, economics and the economic history of Friends.
  • Your Faith Your Finance—A website created by Britain Yearly Meeting in collaboration with the Ecumenical Council for Corporate Responsibility to help meetings and individuals explore ethical and spiritual questions about money.