Summer Sessions 2015, At Silver Bay

- Week at a Glance—Download a pdf
- Map of Silver Bay Campus—Download a pdf
- Special Needs at Silver Bay
- Food Service at Silver Bay
- Healing Work at Summer Sessions
- About Fundraising during Summer Sessions
- Golf Cart Drivers Needed
- 12-Step Meetings
Special Needs at Silver Bay
Martha Gurvich, Special Needs Coordinator
Friends who indicate special needs on their registration form will receive a form from the NYYM office requesting specific information on your disability. This information is only shared with Silver Bay as needed to find appropriate accommodation.
There will also be opportunities for Friends to be special-needs volunteers. A checkbox for volunteers is on the registration form.
Housing. Five mobility-accessible sleeping rooms, with bathrooms, are reserved in the Inn for those using wheelchairs (and their roommates). One-tenth of the rooms in the Inn will be reserved for people who, for any reason, find it physically difficult to room elsewhere. These rooms will be held only until July 1 and then will be released for general availability.
If you have a disability or illness that makes it hard for you to climb hills or steps, please make sure that you sign up early and request one of the reserved rooms. Financial assistance is available from the Equalization Fund.
Friends who are unable to transfer themselves to and from wheelchair/bed, etc., and require special assistance with dressing, bathing, or other personal needs must arrange this assistance on their own and the person assisting them must stay in their room. The caregiver must be in attendance for the length of the stay of the person they are helping. Silver Bay will offer a special reduced rate for the person assisting.
Worship and Meetings. The people who set up the worship-sharing groups need to know if you have hearing or physical problems so that note takers can be provided or accessible locations allocated. Please indicate on your registration form if you require such assistance.
Food Service at Silver Bay
Martha Gurvich, Food Service Coordinator
Friends, please remember: you must be wearing your name badge to enter the dining hall.
Meals begin with dinner on Sunday evening and conclude with lunch on Saturday. If you plan to arrive at Silver Bay early enough to have lunch on Sunday, you must make arrangements with Silver Bay YMCA in advance to purchase this meal; it is not part of the conference package. If you are a vegetarian, please indicate this on your registration form. Please see the NYYM website for additional information regarding special diets, special food storage and dining hall hours of operations.
Silver Bay will provide standard and vegetarian menu choices for each meal. Vegetarian meals include eggs, milk, and cheese, but no meat or fish. Silver Bay cannot accommodate “specialty” diets. Lunch and dinner both have a full salad bar. For those with other special dietary needs, we recommend that you bring your own food. Silver Bay will provide refrigeration. A refrigerator will be made available in the dining hall for baby food, etc., for use during meal times. It will not be available after 7:00 p.m. Cooking facilities for those with special dietary needs (though not for campers) will be available in Paine Hall—1st floor off rotunda. The Silver Bay cooks will not add salt to either the regular food or the vegetarian food. Salt shakers will be available on the tables.
The dining hall opens at 5:00 p.m. each day for dinner. This is to help ease the way for families with small children and Friends who are physically challenged, along with their helpers, in the hope these Friends will have the time and space to get their meals and settle in before the larger group steps into the line. Please allow these Friends to go to the front of the line at all meal times and remind them to feel comfortable stepping up. We also encourage all of the community to lend a hand to anyone who might seem overwhelmed and in need of help carrying plates, bowls, etc., getting drinks, or navigating the busy dining hall. Mealtimes can be stressful for the youngest among us, our physically challenged friends, and their families and helpers. Your kindness will be deeply appreciated.
Healing Work at Summer Sessions
Buffy Curtis and Healing Center Support Committee
This year at Summer Sessions, Sproul Pavilion will once again have regularly scheduled hours for healing work. The Healing Center is under the care of the Committee on Worship at Yearly Meeting Sessions. Ann Davidson is clerk.
We are calling for Friends who work in the healing arts or who are interested in helping with healing work. Please see the NYYM website for more information on how you can help with this important work.
We are looking for volunteers who would offer their skills in the healing arts or support the work by greeting and scheduling. Skills can include energy work (Healing Touch, Reiki, Therapeutic Touch, etc.), massage, Rolfing, craniosacral, spiritual counseling/direction, or other areas of healing work. Practitioner volunteers should have training with qualifications or experience relevant to their practice. Friends who are interested or perhaps feeling "called" to the work are welcome to “buddy” with other practitioners as possible. We will need people to meet and greet and help match those desiring work with the practitioners available. This year we will need additional coordinators to help out as well. Those wishing to hold the space in prayer are welcome indeed. It is yet another extension of worship, after all!
Please contact Buffy Curtis, [email protected], 508-566-6639 (cell), to offer your assistance, make suggestions, or let us know what else you need. We will meet with volunteers on Sunday night of Silver Bay sessions to organize and clarify details. We look forward to hearing from you. Look for us at the Healing Center.
About Fundraising During Summer Sessions
As we gather in faith to conduct the business of NYYM, it is with care and consideration that any fundraising is undertaken during our sessions. Three sponsored events at Summer Sessions raise money exclusively for Powell House and the Sharing Fund: the Fun(d) Fair and the Tagless Tag Sale (Thursday, 1:45–3:15), and Cafe Night (Thursday, 7:15–9:00).
Anyone who is raising money for some other Quaker-related cause may include passive appeals at their display spaces, such as invitations to send or pledge money.
Golf Cart Drivers Needed
Martha Gurvich, Special Needs Coordinator
Silver Bay is a beautiful place, but for some Friends, it is challenging to walk up and down the hills and from one meeting place to another. As in previous years, we will have golf carts to help Friends get around. We need volunteers to drive the carts. Are you 21 or older with a valid, clean driver’s license? Those are the requirements to volunteer as a part-time golf cart driver. Driving the cart is easy, fun, a great way to serve the community, and a wonderful way to get to know Friends of all ages you might not otherwise meet.
If 40 NYYM Friends each volunteer to drive a golf cart for two hours during the week, we will be able to maintain the level of golf-cart service we want to offer. To commit to driving for two hours or more, please contact the NYYM office at [email protected]. You may also contact the Golf Cart Coordinator, Angel Ramos. His contact information is in the Yearbook.
12-Step Meetings
This year meetings will be at 6:30 pm on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and 10:00–11:00 pm on Tuesday and Thursday.
Nurture Coordinating Committee has oversight of this, but needs to hear from people who would be willing to take responsibility for one or more of these meetings. To volunteer, please contact Boyce Benge through the Yearly Meeting office, [email protected] or 212-673-5750.
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