Quaker Resources: Quaker Ministry
Resources on Quaker Ministry
organized by medium and various aspects of Quaker ministry.
Quaker ministry in general
- Tall Poppies: Supporting Gifts of Ministry and Eldering in the Monthly Meeting, Martha Paxson Grundy; Pendle Hill Pamphlet #347.
- Spirit-Led Eldering: Integral to Our Faith and Practice, Margery Mears Larrabee; Pendle Hill Pamphlet #392.
- Spiritual Discernment: the context and goal of clearness committees, Patricia Loring; Pendle Hill Pamphlet #305.
- Early Friends & Ministry, Martha Paxson Grundy; Beacon Hill Friends House pamphlet #1011.
- Leadings, Jim Corbet; The 31st Annual J. Barnard Walton Memorial Lecture, Southeastern Yearly Meeting; pamphlet.
- On Being Grafted Into The Root, Debbie Humphries; Beacon Hill Friends House, Listen! Series pamphlet.
- Called Into Being, Kody Hersh; Beacon Hill Friends House, New Voices Series pamphlet #1005.
- Nudged By The Spirit: Stories of People Responding to the Still, Small Voice of God, Charlotte Fardelmann; Pendle Hill Pamphlet #288.
- Being Faithful As Friends Individually and Corporately, Deborah Fisch; Beacon Hill Friends House pamphlet.
- Building the Life of the Meeting, Fran and William Taber; Southeastern Yearly Meeting.
- The Hidden Center and Outward Scaffolding of Quaker Spiritual Community, Patricia Loring; Southeastern Yearly Meeting.
- Gospel Order: A Quaker Understanding of Faithful Church Community, Sandra Cronk; Pendle Hill Pamphlet #297.
- The Spiritual Care Committee, The School of the Spirit; http://schoolofthespirit.org/programs/the-spiritual-care-committee/.
- Essays on the Quaker Vision of Gospel Order, Lloyd Lee Wilson; Quaker Press of FGC.
- A Description of the Qualifications Necessary to A Gospel Minister: Advice to Ministers and Elders Among the People Called Quakers, Samuel Bownas; Pendle Hill/Tract Association.
- Images And Silence: The Future Of Quaker Ministry, Swarthmore Lecture 1992, Brenda Clifft Heales and Chris Cook; Britain Yearly Meeting.
- On Living with A Concern for Gospel Ministry, Brian Drayton; Quaker Press of FGC.
- Quaker Process for Friends on the Benches, Mathilda Navias; Friends Publishing Company.
- Listening Spirituality, Vol. I: Personal Spiritual Practices Among Friends, and Vol. II: Corporate Spiritual Practice Among Friends, Patricia Loring.
Resources online
- Early Friends & Ministry: An Online Course, Martha Paxson Grundy; 4 weeks starting October 3, 2012; grundycrackedopen.
- Experiences of Worship & the Gathered Meeting, transcript of a panel with Micah Bales, Frances Taber, and Kathleen Wooten, at Stillwater Meetinghouse June 27, 2012; www.quakerspring.org/experiences-of-worship.php.
- Guidelines for Embracing the Ministry of Friends, Committee for the Nurture and Recognition of Ministry and Ministry and Counsel Committee, Baltimore Yearly Meeting; click on the link "Guidelines for Embracing Friends" on the BYM Publications page to download a pdf.
- A Valiant Sixteen: The Spiritual Nurture of Young Friends Traveling in the Ministry, Ashley Wilcox; archive.pym.org/education/yaf/a-valiant-sixteen.pdf.
Traveling in ministry
- Nurturing Calls to Ministry in Friends Meetings: How FGC’s Traveling Ministries Program Can Serve Your Meeting; FGC pamphlet.
- InterVisitation: Travel Under Religious Concern—Quaker Heritage and Present Need, Van Ernst; Friends World Committee for Consultation, Section of the Americas pamphlet.
- The Cost of Traveling Ministry, Ashley Wilcox; questforadequacy.blogspot.com.
- Walk Worthy of Your Calling: Quakers and the Traveling Ministry, Margery Post Abbott and Peggy Senger Parsons, editors; Friends United Press.
- Go and the Lord Go With Thee, Sue Glover; Sessions of York.
Vocal Ministry
- Quality And Depth Of Worship And Ministry; The Committee on Eldership and Oversight of Britain Yearly Meeting.
- On the Vocal Ministry, Ruth Pitman; tract.