Communications Director

Would you like to stay informed of upcoming Quaker events? Make connections with Friends from other monthly meetings? Get inspired or challenged by articles written by NYYM Friends? You should read the NYYM newsletters Spark and InfoShare.


Sarah Way, our Communications Director, edits and produces the yearly meeting's publications, including the bi-monthly newsletter Spark, the pre-Summer Sessions Advance Reports, and the yearly reference guide, the Yearbook. She also edits and distributes the emailed newsletter, InfoShare. Sarah manages press relations and updates the NYYM social media feeds. Please email her with news you'd like shared with the rest of the yearly meeting.

Contact Sarah Way:

Email: [email protected]
Phone: 212-673-5750


Share information:

Share meeting news, announcements, upcoming events, and your thoughts through Spark, our print newsletter, and InfoShare, our digital newsletter. Most issues of Spark have a theme; look for announcements of future themes in each issue and please consider contributing an essay or article. Articles are considered a form of ministry and should be spirit-led. Please email meeting news, announcements, and events to Sarah as soon as possible so they can be shared with the rest of the yearly meeting in a timely manner.

  • Reach: Spark—3,100 households. InfoShare—1,200 households.
  • Deadlines for Spark:
    • January issue:  December 26
    • March issue:  February 7
    • May issue:   April 9
    • September issue:  August 7
    • November issue:  October 7
  • Deadlines for InfoShare:
    • February:  February 1
    • April:  April 1
    • June:  June 1
    • August:  Thursday of Summer Sessions
    • October:   October 1
    • December:  December 1

Social Media

Keep up with news from NYYM and the wider Quaker community in real time:

Facebook: Like our Facebook page, NewYorkYearlyMeeting.

Twitter: Follow us at communications@NYYMTweets.

Learn more about how NYYM uses Social Media to facilitate communication within the yearly meeting and to the wider world. Click here for a Social Media Handout created by the Communications Director.


Press Relations

Contact us if you have something you want to share with the press. We have experience putting out press releases and maintain several databases of press contacts. Don't forget about writing a letter to the editorial board of your local paper -- if you do that, and especially if you get published, please send an email and let us know.