Travel Minute: Emily Provance

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Travel Minute — Emily Provance

Fifteenth Street Meeting


2016.10.7 Carol Jackson of the Ministry and Worship Committee reads a minute of travel for Emily Provance, which is appended to these minutes.  The meeting approves the travel minute and instructs the Clerk and the Recording Clerk to endorse the minute and forward a copy to the Clerk of NY Yearly meeting.  The meeting asks that Emily report to the meeting twice a year about her travels.  

Dear Friends,

We, the Fifteenth Street Monthly Meeting, have united with Emily Provance's discernment that she is called by God to travel in the ministry.

In traveling, Emily builds connections with and between people. She’s concerned with exploring how Quaker practices from the past can help Quakers now. She tries to help people who are called to ministry grow into their roles. Traveling among Friends has started a spiritual Fire in Emily, and she wants to share that Fire with Friends everywhere.

We hope that you will welcome Emily in your meeting and support her in her work while she is there.

In the Light,

Ian Hansen, Clerk