NYYM Committee Task Timeline

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Coordinating Committee Calendar or Time-Line

Note: This timeline was originally prepared by Witness Coordinating Committee.

New clerkships begin at the end of summer sessions or as soon thereafter as the committee has met. If the committee does not meet at summer sessions, the outgoing clerk should schedule a conference call as early in August as possible to select a new clerk, recording clerk, financial clerk and representative to the coordinating committee.


(Incoming) Clerk sends new members a committee Handbook and committee membership information to the NYYM Office and the clerk of the coordinating committee. This includes names, phone numbers and email addresses of the committee clerk, recording clerk, financial clerk if there is one, and representative to the coordinating committee.

(Outgoing) Clerk prepares all vouchers approved for projects and organizations and sends them to the NYYM Office.

(Outgoing) Financial clerk prepares the final draft of the financial report and sends it to the recording clerk.

(Outgoing) Recording clerk prepares the minutes, including the financial report and any attachments and distributes them to all committee members and
to the coordinating committee clerk.

Recording clerk/archivist prepares an acid-free copy for the archives*.


Clerk attends Budget Saturday and the NYYM Clerk's Workshop.

Clerk collects agenda items, reserves committee meeting and display space, sends out the agenda to committee members asking for additions, and encourages all members to attend the committee meeting at Fall Sessions. The agenda should include consideration of the budget for the following year. Finance clerk prepares the financial report for Fall Sessions.


Attend Fall Sessions. Put out the request for interest or study groups for the committee's consideration. Consider planning a committee retreat.

Clerk brings the display to Fall Sessions

Committee approves report for the Sharing Fund (WCC) and budget for the next year. Clerk submits it to coordinating committee clerk soon after Fall Sessions.


Clerk prepares all vouchers approved for projects and organizations and sends them to the NYYM Office.

Financial clerk prepares the final draft of the financial report and sends it to the recording clerk.

Recording clerk prepares the minutes, including the financial report and any Attachments and distributes them to all committee members and to the coordinating committee clerk.

Recording clerk/archivist prepares an acid-free copy for the archives.


Clerk or coordinating committee representative attends the coordinating committee meeting at Coordinating weekend.


Clerk collects agenda items, reserves committee meeting and display space, sends out the agenda to committee members asking for additions, and encourages all members to attend the committee meeting at Spring Sessions.

Clerk prepares the Advance Report for approval by the committee at Spring Sessions.

Finance clerk prepares the financial report and brings it for approval to the committee meeting in April. This will be part of the advance report published in the YM Yearbook.


Attend Spring Sessions. Clerk brings the display to Spring Sessions.


Clerk prepares all vouchers approved for projects and organizations and sends them to the NYYM Office.

Clerk sends advance report to clerk of teh coordinating committee, and to the YM Office

Financial clerk prepares the final draft of the financial report and sends it to the recording clerk.

Recording clerk prepares the minutes, including the financial report and any Attachments and distributes them to all committee members and to the coordinating committee clerk.

Recording clerk/archivist prepares an acid-free copy for the archives.


Clerk collects agenda items, reserves committee meeting and display space, sends out the agenda to committee members asking for additions, and encourages all members to attend the committee meeting at Summer Sessions.

Clerk reserves space and any audio/visual equipment for interest/study group.

Clerk or other designated member updates the committee's display.

Clerk begins to think about who might take over clerkship in July if the clerk will not be continuing on the committee.

Clerk asks committee members and others to suggest names for the Nominating Committee to ask if they are interested in serving on this committee.

Finance clerk prepares the financial report for Summer Sessions

Interest/Study Group leaders prepare to lead their interest/study group.


Attend Summer Sessions. Conduct any study/interest group. Conduct committee meeting(s). Clerk or representative attends the coordinating committee meetings and brings forward any committee business to the coordinating committee.